"I met Liberty and was introduced to womb steaming just about a year ago.
I didn’t have any particular issue with my period (it wasn’t painful and was regular) but did have occasional bouts of PMS as well as some acne just around getting my period.
But the main reason I started steaming was really to connect to my womb & cycle on a deeper level. To do a deeper healing I knew I hadn’t been ready for until then.
In addition to steaming I also started using period underwear that Liberty recommended to not block the flow. This also helped me connect to my cycle on a whole other level and love my bleed every month.
About 8-9 months into steaming I got pregnant, on our first try! I had been tracking my temperature and starting to pay attention to when my I was ovulating, but I always held a secret fear that it may not be easy to conceive…and I truly feel for all the women who struggle with this.
I do believe that steaming played a big part in how easy it was - I actually didn’t realize that we could conceive the first time we tried!!
I would also say that connecting to my womb and doing the inner healing work prior have been so important.
Liberty you are an angel and your mission is so so important! I cannot wait to see how many women’s lives you change. Not just with steaming but with your presence alone.
Thank you for who you are and what you do!
Sarah, a real-life superwoman