After womb steaming (aka vaginal steaming) My cyst had mysteriously shrunk to less than 2” and my doctor said it’s is no longer considered an issue. The fibroid size had also reduced!

Steaming felt natural, like this is what I was meant to be doing all along. “Wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, steam and go to work”
Womb Steam Testimonial - Alisha M, a real-life superwomen
“I have had #PCOS since I was 13. Period pain was the norm, for 2 days I would be in bed. It did improve as I got older, rather I learned to deal with it. Acne, thinning hair, weight gain were a part of my life.
In August 2015 I felt unbearable pain in my lower stomach, unlike anything I had ever felt. My stomach was so sensitive I soon discovered that I had a #cyst the size of a golf ball on one of my ovaries.
I was immediately put on heavy medication, which helped managed the pain but it was never cured. As time went by they lowered the medication, nothing improved, my symptoms were just being controlled by the meds, mainly birth control.
A year later I got married and moved to Dubai, I went for a routine check up after experiencing terrible pain in my stomach, it ended up being a burst follicle, I then did a sonography and they found a #fibroid in my uterus and the #ovariancyst was 6”. They wanted to load me up with more medication, but this time I refused. The fibroid was not causing me much pain, so I decided to see what other alternative remedies I could find. I stopped all medication.
In October 2019 I randomly met Liberty, and she told me about #vaginalsteaming. I was intrigued and thought that it was exactly what I was looking for.
I optimistically started steaming in mid October. When Liberty came with the chair & herbs, she guided me through the entire process, it felt natural, like this is what I was meant to be doing all along. “Wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, steam and go to work”
I was steaming according to her protocol daily, and sometimes I did it twice a day as it felt calming, relaxing and soothing. In January I went back to India and had another sonography done. My cyst had mysteriously shrunk to less than 2” and my doctor said it’s is no longer considered an issue. The fibroid size had also reduced!
I was absolutely amazed, the only change I had made in my lifestyle, was steaming. I know this is was the only thing that helped. I’m certain that soon both my cyst and fibroid will be completely gone. Steaming changed my quality of life and I will continue doing it for the rest of my life.”